FEGS Execs Got Fat Payouts as Bankruptcy Loomed Amid Rampant Mismanagement

The lawyer representing FEGS in the bankruptcy case, Burton Weston, responded to the Forward’s preliminary questions via email but did not offer responses to a longer set of subsequent questions. This website is not the website of the United States Bankruptcy Court. This website does not contain the complete official record of the Bankruptcy Court. All documents filed with the Bankruptcy Court are available for inspection at office of the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court during normal business hours or online on the Bankruptcy Court’s website. You can unlink your old Twitch account by signing in with Steam on this page and then clicking the Unlink Account button. Then you will be able to link your accounts normally again.

Our next immediate goals are to ship dynamic dispatch and async closures support in 2024. Together this will complete a solid foundation to tackle future async problems, such as support for async drop, easy async iterators, or portability across runtimes. Even though the need for “impl trait in traits” comes up a lot in async, they are a general feature that will be useful in many contexts having nothing to do with async (for example, returning iterators from trait methods). Rust’s combination of ownership and borrowing, low-level systems control, and
powerful extensibility mechanisms like procedural macros makes it a great
language for writing libraries. And, thanks to Cargo, using a library in your
program only takes a few lines of code.

As evidence of FEGS’s mismanagement grows, former FEGS trustees and executives continue to refuse to answer questions about the debacle. Machowsky did not respond to multiple phone calls and an email. Magaliff, FEGS’s board chair, Allen Alter, and a handful of current and former board members contacted by the Forward also did not respond to requests for comment.

  1. In November, we blogged about nightly support for async fn in trait and identified some key next steps, most importantly support for send bounds to allow spawning in generic functions.
  2. There is one complication that arises when using async functions in traits that doesn’t arise with sync functions.
  3. If you
    might be interested in giving that a try, come to
    to discuss, or send a private message to Josh Triplett.
  4. Six months after FEGS declared bankruptcy, court documents highlight massive ineptitude in the top ranks of a charity that once held itself out as a paragon of progressive not-for-profit management theory.

The consequences of FEGS’s mismanagement have been deeply personal for the vulnerable people in its care. In the months after the bankruptcy, staffing levels at FEGS facilities for people with developmental disabilities fell precipitously. The 4,000 clients served in these programs have complex physical and psychological needs; many require high-level care. According to an affidavit filed in April by the current FEGS CEO, Kristin Woodlock, the programs had “more than 100 staff vacancies,” with 38 resignations in February and March alone.


At first, this seems like a crucial limitation, since many of the use cases require dynamic dispatch! One can define an “erased” trait internally to your crate that enables dynamic dispatch. The process was pioneered by crates like erased serde and is explained in detail in the builder-provider case study. Our intent is to highlight those areas that
will have the biggest impact on Rust’s success.

That was on top of his base compensation, which in the fiscal year ending in June 2013 was $343,000. The hand-off of these programs for adults with developmental disabilities has been more complicated than for some other parts of FEGS’s former business. But the programs funded by the New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities have been split among nine new vendors. The documents also raise concerns that the quality of care at FEGS sites has deteriorated amid the collapse, describing serious staffing problems at facilities serving thousands of clients with developmental disabilities. You’ll need an account on both Steam and Twitch to claim drops. If one of your accounts is already linked to a different account, you can unlink it by signing into that account first.


Specific examples will change
over time, whether because they’re finished or because new proposals arise. As
2023 approaches, we will revisit these themes to see how much progress we have
made, and whether we wish to adjust rust omni fegs the list. Weston, FEGS’s attorney, did not respond to a question about who approved the bonus and whether current FEGS management continues to believe that the decision to award the bonus was proper at the time.

The async working group’s headline goal for 2023 is to stabilize a “minimum viable product” (MVP) version of async functions in traits. This post lays out the features we plan to ship and the status of each one. Despite the management failures under his watch, Machowsky not only got his bonus, but also was handed another $35,000 in January, after he had already left the organization, to compensate him for unused vacation days.

Useful Keybinds & Commands in Rust

We have made a lot of
strides to support those areas, and they are growing rapidly. Nonetheless, Rust
lacks many core capabilities that would be required to make working in those
domains not only possible but straightforward and delightful. For each theme, we’ll describe our goals for Rust 2024, and give a few examples
of the kinds of things that we’re working on right now, as well as the kinds of
things we would like to do over the next few years. When contacted by the Forward, Miller professed shock at the amount of cash FEGS’s attorney reported had been sent to AllSector since 2008. Still, Miller defended the principle of the “Fourth Sector.” He compared FEGS to the failed airline Pan Am, which created the first international passenger air routes in the late 1930s and entered bankruptcy in the 1990s.

Join the rust-lang Zulip, and either start a thread in the
stream, or send a private message to Josh Triplett if you’d like to discuss
privately first. Join the rust-lang Zulip, and either start a thread in the
stream, or send a private message to nikomatsakis if you’d like to discuss
privately first. Thanks to a consistent focus on ergonomics, Rust has become considerably easier
to use over the last few years. Companies building large teams of Rust users
report that the typical onboarding time for a Rust engineer is around 3-6
months. Even so, many people
report a sense of high “cognitive overhead” in using it, and “learning curve”
remains the most common reason not to use Rust. The fact is that, even after
you learn how the Rust borrow checker works, there remain a lot of “small
details” that you have to get just right to get your Rust program to compile.

Gail Magaliff, the group’s former CEO, also got nearly $43,000 in January for unused vacation time. Low-level staffers, meanwhile, had to send dozens of letters to the bankruptcy court, demanding their vacation pay before the group coughed up the funds in August. We encourage people to experiment and explore in the library ecosystem,
building new functionality for people to use. Sometimes, that new functionality
becomes a foundation for others to build on, and standardizing https://cryptolisting.org/ it simplifies
further development atop it, letting the cycle continue at another level. However, some aspects of the Rust language (notably coherence) make it harder
to extend the Rust standard library or well-established crates from separate
libraries, discouraging experimentation. For Rust 2024, we want to
pursue changes that enable more exploration in the ecosystem, and enable stable
migration of code from the ecosystem into the standard library.

Committee Services

“Because Pan Am went out of business eventually, are you going to say the original idea of Pan Am was wrong?

Rust’s goal is to empower everyone to build reliable and efficient
software. Success requires not only designing and implementing a great
language with great libraries and great tools, but also maintaining a great and
supportive community. As we work towards Rust 2024, it’s natural to ask what’s next for the language. This roadmap provides insight into that question by describing what we, as
members of the lang team with input from other Rust teams, would like to
prioritize. It’s not yet clear how the quality of care at the programs for the developmentally disabled was affected during the early months of the bankruptcy.

No, you will only be eligible to receive a drop for one active channel at a time. Watching more than one channel simultaneously will not result in more drops. For example, all blocks in an if/else expression need to be valid when cfg! Rust provides a Foreign Function Interface (FFI) to C libraries. Foreign
functions must be declared inside an extern block annotated with a #[link] attribute containing the name of the foreign library. Also see the Rust Compiler Ambitions for
for plans from the Rust Compiler team, and watch the Inside Rust blog for the
upcoming roadmap from the Rust Library team.

Since that time, we’ve seen Rust grow from a
small language used for a handful of prominent projects into a mainstay in use
at virtually every major tech company. The staffers were eventually paid for their unused vacation days on August 7. Signs of trouble at AllSector did not emerge publicly until after FEGS’s collapse. The Forward reported on March 6 that AllSector had received increasingly large sums from FEGS beginning in 2011. FEGS acknowledged the full scale of the AllSector problem weeks later, at a bankruptcy hearing at the remote federal courthouse in Central Islip, New York.

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